Mercury and Its Gemstone Emerald
The planet Mercury is regarded as the prince among the assembly of nine planets. Mercury is the son of the moon by his wife Rohini. In human body Mercury represents wisdom and voice. Mercury is the ruler of two signs of the Zodiac - The Gemini and The Virgo. The gemstone related to the Mercury is Emerald. It is a mineral - a compound of silicate of aluminum beryllium and oxygen. its colour is light, deep green. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald.

Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. Emerald has soothing touch and pleasant sight, which gives peaceful vibrations and captivates the heart. It retains its color and lustre in all kinds of lights and shades. Emerald gemstone is used to counter the ill effects of mercury.

Emerald is a delicate gemstone and is fragile. Emeralds are found in the mines of coal. Black spots and filaments are often seen in it due to high presence of carbon in it. Emerald gemstone is recognized by its black spot. In genuine emerald, cracks are often found, but it does not effect its utility.

By wearing emerald gemstone, a man can pacify mental disturbance. Emerald gemstone should be worn especially by diplomats, scientists, astrologers, teachers, architects medical personalities, doctors, businessmen, property dealers, publishers, accountants, engineers, writers, post officers, insurance officers and intellectuals. Emerald gemstone increases reasoning power, presence of mind and spiritual power.

Goddess of learning, Saraswati sharpens the intellect of students, singers, dancers, and musicians by Her grace on those who wear Emerald. Emeralds increases eyesight, food grains, property, off springs and destroys black magic, bad effects by evil spirits and nightmares.

There are many notions about emerald. It makes the delivery very easy when it is tied around the waist of a pregnant woman. Emeralds are considered auspicious when a lover presents this to his partner. If someone intends to harm a person who is wearing emerald, he is exposed very soon . Emerald gemstone makes the wearer full of love, sympathy and magnanimity. The weak mercury in mans horoscope causes many diseases like asthma, rheumatism, cough stammering, spondalysis etc. Therefore, in this condition, wearing of emerald is most useful.