1 Muldara chakra/Saturn/Violet/Blue Sapphire/Air and Vata: Influence general life harmonizes with the sound L. This is controlled by the Earth element (food, etc).

The FIRST CHAKRA is located at the base of the spine, the cocygeal center, and is known as "Muladhara." The Muladhara chakra is connected with the energies of Saturn. According to the strength of Saturn in a horoscope, the impulses arising out of this chakra influence the inner psychic life of the individual in a harmonious or inharmonious manner.

2 Jupitar/SradhisthanChakra/Jupitar/Blue/Yellow sapphire/Air and Vata: Connected with enjoyment test devotion, provides upliftment, and is a foundation for material life. This is controlled by the Water element.

The SECOND CHAKRA is situated in the genital region, the sacral center, and is known as "Svadbisthana" chakra. It is connected with enjoyment, taste, devotion, upliftment, and is ruled by Jupiter. It influences the native relative to the strength of Jupiter in the natal chart.

These two chakras lay the foundation of life. While they relate directly to material aspects, their function is to transform materiality into spirituality. As such, the strength of Saturn and Jupiter in a horoscope are essential for spiritual elevation and the enjoyment of bliss. Conversely, weak and afflicted Saturn and Jupiter in a natal horoscope indicate excess material desire and sensory indulgence, and invite misfortune, sorrow and disease.

3 Manipura Chakra/Mars/Coral/Yellow/Fire: Maintains metabolism, restlessness, impurities, deals with health, vigor, heat and courage. This is controlled by the Fire element.

The THIRD CHAKRA is found in the naval region and is named "Manipura." It governs the digestion system and is ruled by Mars. When Mars is adversely disposed in a horoscope, this chakra will display a lower rate of metabolism or a restless and impulsive nature due to excess heat in the system. A well-placed Mars generally bestows health, vigor, and the capacity to handle work and responsibility.

4 Anahata Chakra/Sun/Red/Ruby/Fire Pita: Truthful, nobleness, aristrocasy by mind not by materiality, bridge between mind and soul. This is controlled by the Air element

The FOURTH CHAKRA is located in-the dorsal region in the heart and is named "Anahata. It governs the breath and psychic disposition, bestowing virtue, and is related to the ,Sun. When the Sun is well placed in a horoscope the native will be truthful, noble and aristocratic in character. The native can build the relationship between the mind and soul.

5 Visuddhana chakra/Venus/Deep Blue color/Diamond: Danger, disease, material possessions, desires, wisdom. This is controlled by the Ether element.(cosmic energy.)

The FIFTH CHAKRA is in the cervical region of the neck and is named "Vishuddha." It governs the pure mind and is ruled by the planet Venus. When Venus is well-placed in a horoscope, the native can avoid danger and disease and come to possess a benevolent and forgiving attitude. An ill-disposed Venus leads to a craving for material possessions, instills a pleasure seeking attitude and makes the mind full of desire and subject to allurements. A beneficial Venus can transform the power of desire into the power of light and wisdom. In this way, Vishuddha, the center of pure bliss, guides and elevates the inner spirit of Venus toward all higher values, sensitivities and refinements if his rays are harmoniously arranged within the natal chart.

6 Anja Chakra/Mercury/Deep Green/Emerald: intelligence, love, envy, cunning, able to foresee.

The SIXTH CHAKRA is situated between the eyebrows in the region of the forehead and is called "Ajna" chakra. This chakra governs the conscious mind and will power, and is related to the intuition; plane of love and bliss ruled by the planet Mercury. When Mercury is in a beneficial position in a horoscope, the native can develop intuitive powers and attain a blissful state of consciousness, full of poise and piety. Such a person can prophesize on all matters and his word appears as an oracle. An afflicted Mercury denotes a dull mind, and a selfish and cunning attitude full of ignorance and envy.

7 Sahasrara Chakra/Moon/Orange/Pearl-Moonstone: pride, enlightenment, material possessions, nervous system.

The SEVENTH CHAKRA is situated in the upper region of the brain and is named "Sahasrara" chakra or the "thousand petaled lotus." It indicates pure consciousness on the Nirvanic plane, the state of ecstasy in which the soul finds its identity with the Absolute and gains final emancipation from the chain of birth and death. This chakra is related to the Moon.

A benefic Moon in a good relation with Jupiter, the planet of Divine grace, causes auspicious Jiva Yoga, which brings a wave of brilliant and sparking rays that gives access to the abode of supreme Divinity. This state overcomes the region of dualism and the objective and subjective realms merge into one. Such a Moon can harmonize the natives life with the Absolute through invoking a mental rapport with the Earth.